UIUC Choir Recital

University of Illinois 台灣同學合唱團 春季公演 1995-1997

採蓮謠 Picking lotus

半個月亮爬上來 Half moon rising

叫我如何不想她 How can I stop thinking of her

Somewhere out there
民歌組曲:海裡的沙,讓我們看雲去 Medley: Ocean sand, Cloud watching

我曾深愛過 Been in love

愛情像一杯酒 Love like wine(Solo+guitar)
在你背影守候 Waiting for you in your shadow (Solo2)
情長路更長 Long road of love? (Solo3+guitar)
Encore/chat 安可歡呼

孤戀花 Lonely flower

板橋女孩 Banchiao lady 有關【板橋查某】

望春風 Looking for Spring wind

無言花 Silent flower (+ Cello solo)

在今夜裡 Men's medley: Tonight

Come again & 杯底金魚 No goldfish in the glass 有關【杯底毋通飼金魚】

小雨中回憶 Memory in the rain (+Duet/piano)

告別 Farewell

京華煙雲 Moment in Peking

隔夜茶 Yesterday's tea

人生如夢? Life is like a dream

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